ProLiteracy Detroit

Author :

ProLiteracy Detroit and Rotary Foundation

Duration :


Target group of learners:

Functional illiterate learners

Institutions involved :

Banks, Foundation and Town Halls which support the initiative by donation

Goals / Objectives :

To help people improve basic skills and find a job

Structure / Contents :

Pro-Literacy Detroit is a non-profit organization that aims to solve adult illiteracy. We help adults 16 and over become independent readers, writers, and speakers of English.

The programmes they offer are:


  1. Individual and Group Tutoring

  2. Books for Adults and Children

  3. Technology-based instruction

  4. ESL Tutoring

  5. TV and Web Tutoring

Methods / Animation :

They match each student with a volunteer tutor. The pair meets at a time and space convenient for each other. Through the use of online learning programs, the tutors empower students to achieve their goals.

Evaluation / Feedback :


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