Mass Disseny. The blog of the students of the employment workshop for adults Molí de Baix III

Author :

Víctor Andrés Seguí

Duration :


Target group of learners:

Unemployed adult students

Goals / Objectives :

1. To get training in specific skills and different from those they already had. 2. Re-employment as a final purpose. 3. To learn the profession of a graphic designer.

Structure / Contents :

The course is divided into three large blocks: 1. Articles about design programs and 2.0 tools worked in the classroom. They explain what they are, what they are for and how they are used. 2. Articles of work processes. Here they explain the development and steps that they have followed in the assignments they receive as designers. From the reception of the order to the materialization of the design or final work. 3. In addition, there are also articles on formative visits, extracurricular activities and practical work. Everything of what they consider to have extracted some learning. On the other hand, they all have a personal tab on the blog where they present and show the work they are doing.

Methods / Animation :

Among those competencies considered vital for a lifetime of successful participation in society, in our opinion, the development of both the Linguistic Competence and the Digital Competence are two sides of the same coin: the general educational development of the student.

At the same time they also clearly contribute to the development of another Key Competence, Learning-to-Learn, that -as we all know- is crucial in the educative context (Adult Education).

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