IN-LEARNING Reflection tools for supporting individual learning paths of adults

Author / Authors :

Paola Conti, Jan Nilsson, Aanette Ramstrand, Ivan Häuser, Margarita Popova, Tuncay Özdemir, Atila Yücel, Jelena Lohmatova, Natalja Mahnova, Galina Kušanova, Veronika Stulova, Julia Dem, Antonina Kryukova.

Source / Publishing body :

Partners of the project “IN-LEARNING” with the support of the European Commission

Short description in partner language :

Este manual consiste en una amplia variedad de herramientas de reflexión que podrían ser utilizadas por diferentes estudiantes adultos individualmente y con la ayuda de un facilitador dependiendo de la naturaleza de la experiencia de aprendizaje, sus entornos y contexto.

Short description in English :

This e-handbook consists of a wide variety of reflection tools that could be used by different adult learners individually and with the help of a facilitator depending on the nature of the learning experience, its settings and context.

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"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"