Paris Scott and Parecki Andrea |
1993 |
Mobile Learning and Social Media in Adult Learning |
Jan Hylén |
2015 |
Adult Education and Social Media |
Maurice De Greef |
2015 |
Tecnología y educación de adultos. Cambio metodológico en las matemáticas |
José Luis Barrio de la Puente, Mª Luisa Barrio de la Puente y Margarita Quintanilla Rojo |
2010 |
2014 |
Πρόγραμμα του Λειτουργικού Αναλφαβητισμού – Θεωρητικό Πλαίσιο |
Δρ Αλεξάνδρα Πετρίδου Δρ Μαρία Νικολαΐδου Εποπτεία: Δρ Γιασεμίνα Καραγιώργη |
2012 |
Λειτουργικός αναλφαβητισμός Η γνώση που δεν αφομοιώνεται, η προσωπικότητα που συμπιέζεται και η έκφραση που αδυνατεί να ορθοποδήσει |
Γιώργος Μωραΐτης |
2009 |
Πληθυσμός - Επίπεδο Μόρφωσης, Αλφαβητισμός, 2011 |
Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας |
2015 |
Population - Educational Attainment, Literacy, 2011 |
Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) |
2015 |
Έκθεση για την ενίσχυση των βασικών δεξιοτήτων των ενηλίκων στην Κύπρο (με έμφαση στις ευάλωτες ομάδες πληθυσμού) |
Enoros Consulting |
2015 |
Εισηγήσεις για ενίσχυση των βασικών δεξιοτήτων των ενηλίκων της Κύπρου με χαμηλές βασικές δεξιότητες |
Enoros Consulting |
2017 |
Promoting literacy for low-skilled adults in Southeast Europe and the implication of learning partnerships |
Georgios Zarifis |
2017 |
Adults with low literacy and numeracy skills - A Literature Review On Policy Intervention |
2015 |
Literacy in Europe: Facts and figures |
ELINET – European Literacy Policy Network |
Literacy education for low-educated second language learning adults in multilingual contexts: the case of Luxembourg |
Jinyoung Choi and Gudrun Ziegle |
2015 |
How can we motivate adults to engage in literacy and numeracy learning? |
David Mallows and Jennifer Litster |
2016 |
Functionally illiterate adults and their confidantes – results of the qualitative study |
Wibke Riekmann |
2015 |
Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Supporting Learning and Motivation Chapter: Motivating Adult Learners to Persist |
National Research Council |
2012 |
Teaching adults. Adult learner websites |
Literacy Works |
Literacyworks Learner Web |
Portland State University and LINCS Regional Professional Development Center |
Lifelong literacy: Some trends and issues in conceptualising and operationalising literacy from a lifelong learning perspective |
Ulrike Hanemann |
2015 |
Improving basic skills in adulthood: Participation and Motivation |
JD Carpentieri |
2015 |
Meeting the challenge: strategies for motivating learners in adult education in Ireland. |
Tina Byrne, Maeve O’Grady, Eilish Roche |
2016 |
Differences in Adult Learning and Motivation |
Scott Campbell |
2016 |
ICT Skills Acquisition by Older People: Motivations for learning and barriers to progression |
Sandhu, J., Damodaran, L. and Ramondt, L. |
2013 |
How to maximise the language learning of senior learners |
Kieran Donaghy |
2016 |
Tips on teaching and learning using facebook |
Margot Walsh and Laura Rowland |
IN-LEARNING Reflection tools for supporting individual learning paths of adults |
Paola Conti, Jan Nilsson, Aanette Ramstrand, Ivan Häuser, Margarita Popova, Tuncay Özdemir, Atila Yücel, Jelena Lohmatova, Natalja Mahnova, Galina Kušanova, Veronika Stulova, Julia Dem, Antonina Kryukova. |
2017 |
Curriculum globALE |
Maja Avramovska, Tania Czerwinski, Susanne Lattke |
2018 |
Guidelines on training people to write documents that are easy to read and understand |
Partners of the project “Pathways to adult education for people with intellectual disabilities” |
2014 |
Resources |
Adult Literacy League |
Motivación hacía el aprendizaje en las personas mayores más allá de los resultados y el rendimiento académico |
Mª Elena Cuenca París |
2011 |
Personas Mayores y TIC |
Feliciano Villar Posada |
El uso de materiales didácticos en el proceso de alfabetización con adultos mayores |
Eliseo López Martínez |
2014 |
Alfabetización y enseñanza del español a adultos |
Roberto Ortí |
2003 |
La motivación. Una alternativa para la consolidación del aprendizaje en el adulto subescolarizado. |
Diana Gisell Márquez Fabré |
2011 |
La motivación en el aprendizaje de personas adultas |
María Luisa Sarrate Capdevila, Lidia Rodríguez García |
2010 |
Estrategias de motivación para la participación de personas mayores |
Sílvia Martínez y Álvaro Mosquera Lajas |
2007 |
Módulo I. Andragogía, aprendizaje y motivación. |
Eva María García |
Necesidades y motivaciones de los estudiantes de educación permanente en España. El caso del “Centro de Educación Permanente Valle del Guadiato” en Córdoba |
Beatriz del V. Medina F, Vicente J. Llorent G. y Vicente Llorent B. |
2013 |
Nunca es tarde |
Educadultos |
Circulum. Formación de adultos |
URUK 3.0 Multimedia |
Circulum. Formación de adultos |
English @ Edrissis |
Jesús Canca Lara |
Alfabetización de Adultos |
Norma Liliana Virkel |
Changing the way we think about numeracy |
European Basic Skills Network |
2014 |
Language and literacy skills for immigrant adults in Europe |
European Basic Skills Network |
2014 |
Framework for Basic Skills |
Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training |
2012 |
Skills for life |
Skills for Life Network |
Migliorare le competenze degli adulti italian |
Italian Ministry for Education and Social Policies |
2013 |